Thursday, March 18, 2010

the point of prayer

the point of prayer is presence, that is consciously resting in the presence of God. it is not so much about words as it is about the silence between the words. it is not so much about conversing with God as it is about communing with God. it is not so much about asking for things or giving thanks for things already recieved, as it is about an attitude of dependency and gratitude. and it is definitely not about magic - prayer, in and of itself, has no power. power resides in the One whom we engage in prayer.

the point of prayer is conscious communion with God. that is why words are not necessary for prayer. words can be useful, and indeed we often pray with words, but words are not the essence of prayer only one means of communing. think about the words of the prophet micah - in response to the question "what is required of us?" he replies, "to be kind, to seek justice, and to walk humbly with God." walking with someone is an act of presence. you may or may not talk with your walking companion but you are completely present to your companion as long as you are walking together. to walk with someone is to be with them as they move through time and space. when we walk with God we are in step with God. prayer is about walking with God.

the point of prayer is knowing that we are loved enough that God is with us always, in our joys and sorrows, in our successes and brokenness. prayer is the soul calling out in the darkness and God's embrace in the darkness. prayer is to be present and open to the continuous flow of God's abundant love i.e. "to walk with God." it is the best way of keeping sane in a crazy world.

© 2010 halley low

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