Wednesday, May 12, 2010

the joy of coffee

i love coffee in the morning. the aroma of coffee brewing invites me out of bed. i savor the first sip, in an instant i am awake, and by the end of the cup i'm ready for action. so i got to thinking about coffee and how it makes a good metaphor for life.

every morning when my eyes first open i am invited by life to enter a new day. i savor those quiet moments of early morning. by the end of that time i am ready for action. but the metaphor goes deeper.

life, like coffee, can be rich and deep in flavor. just as at times it can be bitter, even burnt. life, like coffee, can be sweetened, only the sugar of life comes from the depth of our relationships. if life gets too heavy we can lighten it up with a little cream, that is the cream of prayer, or the half & half of laughter, or the milk of human kindness. and sometimes when the world is too much with us life can become jittery, yet in those jittery moments life can also offer us calm by opening opportunities for solitude and communion.

life always invites us to go deeper, kind of like how sharing coffee with friends can open us to deeper conversations. it's no wonder that God beckons us to always "choose life" (deuteronnomy 30:19). which brings me to another comparison, life like coffee is a gift from God; savor the gift in gratitude, and share it in love.

©2010 halley low

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